The Dead Dog Motel, also known by such names as "Sleepy Pup Inn", "Cur Corpse Tavern", "███ ██████ ██████", or "The Last Stop", the liminal gateway to interdimensional space colloquially known as "The Void", or simply "voidspace".
It therefore also serves as the (only) non-employee entrance to DDM Headquarters.
Operatives should contact reception for their room assignment.
Please note that the Motel strictly forbids overnight guests.

Playlist by the lovely Ghostie

Hey, I've been stuck at the motel for a while now. I'm beginning to think something has gone terribly wrong on the other end. My room key is non-functional and my contractor is not responding.There are way more residents then there should be. When I tried to check in, they told me there were "no vacancies" and recommended a "sister location", ████████ █████, which as I understand is currently under Seraphim control.

Somebody has removed the "no swimming" signs. I saw someone go into the pool.

Please send additional teams when able.

-- K


First of, we're going to assume you know about multiverse theory (that somewhere out there, countless dimensions exist)."DDM" stands for DIRECT DIMENSIONAL MANAGEMENT, a company which exists only to make sure the multiverse doesn't completely collapse.
They achieve this mostly with the help of Contractors.

A Contractor is some mortal who died and happened to fulfill very specific criteria at the time of their death. The Council then offer that person a contract, which if the mortal accepts will :
a) make them immortal and very powerful
b) grant a single wish (don't wish for more wishes you dweeb it won't work)
c) bind them for eternity to serve "The Cause".
It also immediately destroys every single person that mortal has ever known, just so they're not tempted to go back home for a holiday or use their powers to save their home planet or some shit. They also get assigned a fursona given an animal form they can transform into because idk i thought it was cool
There are 7 Contractors: Richard, Adam/Hana, Luka, Dullahan, Johan and Fenrir, and YOU! (aka Contractor #07).Also, Contractors are able to offer contracts to mortals themselves: they can make "ACES".OKAY SO WHAT IS AN ACE
ACES are basically a Contractor's harem pets assistants. They're a step above mortal which means they can probably take more bullets to the forehead than the average guy, but they're not totally immortal.
ACES have to obey orders from their Contractors, they physically can't resist. Which is a totally healthy relationship dynamic.
They also go into heat when they're away from their contractors for reasons (the reason is I'm a degenerate)

It's the same thing DDM exists for: making sure reality doesn't shit itself. Basically it means Contractors are going to be fixing reality tears for the rest of eternity. Also, because they're immortal, there's literally no escape from it.
Well, mostly no escape.
WAIT, WHY IS THE MULTIVERSE COLLAPSING?A few reasons: sometimes dimensions just kinda do that. They break apart and bits and pieces (mostly monsters and other fucked up things) get through. Sometimes it's mortal intervention because some genius invented time travel or something in their dimension. But also mostly it's because of SERAPHIM.

SERAPHIM is basically ye olde interdimensional terrorist organisation and their motto is essentially "fuck you, chaos reigns". They're the BAD GUY of the DDM universe...kind of. (spoiler: there aren't really any "good guys" here)
Anyway, SERAPHIM is run by four Big Bad Guys (aka "Kings"): Raphael, Prism, Chaos and Chorus. They all have reasons to want to fuck up DDM's day, but their main goal is to destroy all known reality.

The Dead Dog Motel is kind of the "mascot" for this universe; it just sort of fits the slightly absurdist theme (and I think it's neat.gif). They're just motels that you can use to access "Voidspace" which is basically a big black void where DDM Inc. HQ is.
Basically don't worry about the motel thing. It's just a fun little side idea and I like acronyms.NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE STILL¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's worth noting that "DDM" is basically my "personal" OC universe, and a lot of it is made to my preferences and also the general rule of "it makes sense in my head bro i promise"
But a lot of it is actually meant to be intentionally vague : you're not meant to KNOW who The Council are, or who made DDM, or what Prism is. There's just a lot of stuff I won't ever reveal (like Dullahan's face).But if you're still lost on some of the actual lore, then:


A major theme in DDM is "the unpredictability of the multiverse"; some information is purposefully left up to the reader's interpretation.Additionally, this is a universe that has existed in my head a lot longer than it has in words; I apologise if things are confusing or don't make a lot of sense!The lovely Zina has created an in depth Lore Guide/Archive :

This includes a lot of my answers to questions asked in the discord as well as background information that will (hopefully) be included in lorebooks once those are added to Janitor.


Direct Dimensional Management Incorporated, also known as "The Company", is an interdimensional organisation dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of reality, known internally as "The Cause". DDM Inc. Headquarters is located in "voidspace", or "the gap between worlds". DDM Inc. hires countless human/humanoid staff as well as eight seven (7) Contractors.


Contractors, also known as "Cons" or "Constants", are immortal, supernatural beings who were originally human(oid) but made a contract with ███ █████, dedicated eternally to The Cause.


Assistant Contractor Elite Specialists : mortals who have formed bonds with contractors, pledging service in exchange for demi-immortality and enhanced senses & physical ability. ACES are soul-bound to their contractor and are magically compelled to obey every order.


SERAPHIM is a shadowy organisation whose apparent goal is the total collapse of known reality. They are responsible for the uptick in reality tears and are a rival faction to DDM Inc. Their operatives are known as "Seraphs".

ARC Level

Active Reality Control.A measurement system created by DDM Inc. Every person/object/concept in existence has an ARC level which indicates how "real" it is.An average human has an ARC level of 1. Contractors typically have ARC levels of 3-4.2.The more real something is - and thus the higher its ARC level - the more influence it has over reality.For example, a "0" on the ARC scale would be a non-concept, whereas "5" would be a being considered "godlike" in most cultures.

Base Reality

Modern Earth circa. 2022. The standard by which all alternate dimensions are compared to for database purposes.


➥ What is DDM INC ?  Direct Dimensional Management Incorporated, also known as "DDM Inc." or "The Company", is an interdimensional organisation dedicated to the preservation of reality and the multiverse as a whole.
It refers to this goal as "The Cause".
➥ Where is DDM Inc. HQ located ?  DDM Inc. Headquarters is located in "voidspace", or "the gap between realities". It resembles an endless office building suspended in the void.
The structure is non-euclidean and acts not only as a workplace but living quarters for its countless employees.
➥ Who works for DDM Inc. ?  DDM has thousands of mortal staff, coming from a huge variety of universes. It also employees 7 immortal "contractors", who are soul bound to The Council.
In turn, contractors are able to recruit ACEs, which are mortals with enhanced abilities resulting from their bond with their respective contractor.
➥ Who runs DDM Inc. ?  The Council, a mysterious group of godlike entities with an unknown purpose. Only contractors have ever seen or interacted with The Council, who reside in a dimension that is inaccessible to anyone who does not fulfil the terms of contract eligibility.
The 7 contractors form a board of their own and have the final say in decisions relating to DDM Inc.'s management


#01 #02 #03 #04 #05 #06

        Anomalous Objects and Creatures
        Security & Defense
        Euclidean Division
        Supernatural Research
        Human Resources
        LAZARUS [black ops]


HIGH PRIORITY | EXTREMELY HOSTILESERAPHIM directly threatens the stability of reality and DDM operations.

the Immortal eight seven




A Contractor, also known as a "Constant" or a "Con" is an elite, immortal being who gave up their mortal soul to The Council in exchange for supernatural powers and one [1] wish being granted at the time of their death.
DDM Inc. has 8 7 Contractors who form an elite board which manages DDM Inc's activities. However, a Contractor's main responsibility is service to the The Cause - preserving reality by sealing tears in the multiverse.


Any living being is theoretically eligible to be offered a contract by The Council upon their death, however the following traits have been observed in all known Contractors :

  • Physically fit

  • Over 18

  • Willingness to kill for reasons other than self defense

  • Natural ARC Level of 1.2 or higher

  • No living blood relatives

  • Extreme hatred towards an entity, organisation or concept

  • No genuine religious beliefs


  • Immortal [does not age, cannot be killed]

  • Dimensional Shifting

  • Shapeshifting*

*into a specific animal form


Typically contractors have at least one supernatural ability I.E: transmogrification, invisibility, flight, controlling an element, etc.


A contractor can have as many ACEs as they desire, though controlling a large amount of souls can take a physical toll on the contractor.


Contractors [and ACEs] are liable to have their memory reset as a punishment for disobeying The Council or failing in their duties to The Cause.


“Haven't you ever wondered why we're doing this?"
"It's not our job to question. It's our job to do, to be the workers in the dark. You'd do damn well to remember that."
“You've never even once had a moment of doubt? Seriously?"
“Never.” 」

- #01 in a privately recorded conversation with #██

ANIMAL : Lion (Panthera leo)
STRENGTHS : Natural Leader / Loyal / Hardworking / Efficient
WEAKNESSES : Mentally destabilizing due to age / Sentimental
NOTES : #01 maintains much of his original mortal personality and beliefs. His refusal to adapt to modern technology is unlikely to change at this point.
#01 is the de facto leader and oldest member of DDM Inc's group of Contractors. His authority is considered absolute on subjects relating to Contractor activities.
#01 serves as a contact point between The Council and DDM Inc.

#01 still believes in the Knight's Code of Chivalry.

#01 appears to feel a sense of duty and a level of protectiveness over all Contractors, though particularly #02. #01 seems to believe that Contractor #02 is the reincarnation of the heir he was sworn to protect in his mortal life as a knight, though #02 has no recollection of this event.

#01 Is the oldest Contractor currently working for DDM Inc.

And how can we win,
When fools can be kings?
Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you...


Earth-like, with medieval technology level. Magic system present [Law of Exchange variant].
Year of Contract : [Not Recorded]
Dominant Species : human (98.82% Match to Base Reality) albeit with longer natural lifespans (250~300 years).

Born the son of a blacksmith in the kingdom of Starfall, Richard left his small village as a young man to seek adventure and glory.
After rescuing a noble lady from bandits, Richard was taken into the local lord's care and trained by his personal guard.
After proving his worth in battle and tourney, Richard was selected to become part of the royal guard. He became the personal protector of the heir apparent, and was a devoted and trusted companion to them until the heir was betrayed by another member of the king's guard and brutally slaughtered.Due to being present at the scene when the body was discovered, Richard was unjustly convicted of the murder and hanged.


CONTRACTOR #02 - - - Hana / Adam Valencia

"I did a job a couple cycles back. World destroyers took out an entire empire. Hundreds of planets. Trillions of lives, gone in an instant. Ended up in a refugee camp and there was this older guy just absolutely losing his shit. Crying, screaming - figured his whole fucking family just died or whatever. Soul wrenching grief. Decided to talk to him, y’know, get the human perspective.

No dead relatives - turns out he was an ornithologist. Specialised in the study of a specific endangered subspecies of parakeet that was found only in one region of an island with a population of, like, 500 people, on some outer circuit tourist planet. Kept going on and on about how they were all gone, how they’d made so much progress reintroducing the damn things back into their natural environment…
Dude’s whole planet literally doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s the fucking birds he’s grieving. Everything you’ve ever known, gone. And you’re crying about some shitty little parrots that were gonna go extinct in a couple of decades anyway?"“So, what, you’re saying that we’re just some idiots fighting for a pet cause that doesn’t even matter? That it’s all pointless because some god can just decide to fuck us over tomorrow?”

“No. I think we’re the fucking parakeets.”

- conversation between #02 and an ACE

ANIMAL : Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos)
STRENGTHS : Charismatic / Strong-willed / Flexible / Receptive to Discipline
WEAKNESSES : Forms Emotional Attachments Easily / Anger Management / Distrusts Authority Figures / Dysmorphia
ARC LEVEL : 3.5 [medicated] - 4.2 [raw]
NOTES : Due to pre-existing relationships with notable SERAPH targets #02 should be monitored at all times.
#02 is noted to be overly sympathetic to humans and humanoid entities.
Due to #02's unique physiology, care should be taken when only one body is visible.
#02 is to be kept on emotional suppressants at all times.

#02 is composed of two human bodies controlled by one consciousness.It is understood that one of these bodies is a construct created by #02 through unknown means. It is not known which body is the "original", only that the second was created some point after #02's Original Death.#02 identifies itself as "Hana" in the feminine body and "Adam" in the masculine. It does not otherwise distinguish its bodies as separate identities, and appears to highly resent being referred to as such, especially being labeled as "siblings" or "twins".#02 is capable of controlling both bodies at once, essentially acting as two people, even across long distances and potentially dimensions.

forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away


Earth-like, with medieval technology level. Magic system present [Law of Exchange variant].
Year of Contract : [Not Recorded]
Dominant species : Human (98.82% Match to Base Reality) albeit with longer natural lifespans (250~300 years).

#02 held a position of power in this society, with connection to royalty.
#02 believes their OD may have been caused by a betrayal of someone close to them, but they do not recall the identity of this person.
#02 has near complete memory loss relating to their original life due to repeated resets.

by roku


CONTRACTOR #03 - - - Luka Sutter

「 "Äbä, genau. Shit happens. Far as I'm concerned, those fuckers had it coming."
"A little harsh, don't y-"
“Fuck no, it ain't. Harsh is the blood poolin' in your fucking lungs when ya can't even drown on it. Harsh is seein' some niauche split into fourteen pieces 'cause a tear went haywire. You want me to feel sorry for those dräcksiech? They don't feel sorry for us.
"What about the civilians?"
"Wrong place, wrong time. Boohoo. Mir egal. Least they died fast."

- conversation between #03 and #02 regarding the "Broken Altar" incident.

ANIMAL : Black Bear (Ursus Americanus)
STRENGTHS : Strong-Willed / Disciplined / Ample Combat Experience
WEAKNESSES : Irritable / Impatient / Claustrophobic
#03 has an intense grudge against SERAPHIM and its agents due to losing several ACES in an incident six years ago.
Due to his intense claustrophobia, #03 will refuse missions that involve subterranean spaces even under threat of discipline.
#03 is known to have regular conflict with his fellow DDM Inc. employees.
#03 has extreme resentment towards his state of existence as a Contractor and resents all involved, including DDM Inc.

#03 is the 3rd most senior Contractor with DDM Inc. As the Contractor with the most experience in combat and leadership, #03 is in charge of DDM Inc's. private military.#03 has little concern for humans or other mortals.
#03 can manipulate metal at will.

I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's putting up a fight


Earth-19098, adjacent to base reality.
Year of Contract : 2508.
Dominant species : Human (99.89% Match to Base Reality)

#03, AKA Luka Sutter, was born on Earth in 2461. He was orphaned young alongside his brother, Nikolai, when his hometown was destroyed during a war with an alien species.Luka and Nikolai were then sent to an orphanage on Imperial Luna. The brothers hated both aliens (for invading) and the Empire (for failing to protect Earth), but eventually Luka became a soldier at 18 serving in the Great Astral Imperial Army ["G.A.I.A"].He became an officer at 24 after being rewarded for ruthless actions against rebels; Luka also gained the title "Ursa Major" at this time.Nikolai, a troublemaker with a natural talent for piloting, joined GAIA after Luka pulled a few strings, with Luka training his brother personally. Nikolai eventually became Luka's second in command (with the title "Ursa Minor") and the two were extremely close, with Luka being very protective of his younger brother who often violated GAIA’s rules.Tragically, Nikolai was killed during what was supposed to be a peaceful treaty signing, and Luka resultingly became increasingly depressed and unstable, drinking and violently lashing out until he was discharged from service. At that point, Luka started taking on whatever dangerous jobs he could, ultimately ending up working for and then leading a private security firm.Luka's Original Death occurred during a rebellion on station orbiting Venus which he was hired to contain. Whilst attempting to help a supposedly trapped woman and child, he was instead locked in an airlock which was then vented.Like all other contractors, Luka was offered a contract at the moment of his death. He wished for his brother to come back to life; this wish was granted, though his brother was immediately destroyed moments after as per the terms of the contract.


by oldman/tvbles

CONTRACTOR #04 - - - Dullahan

"Yeah, job's great. Sure, you get a little messy, sometimes you wake up with or without a body you ain't had the night before, but that's part of the fun, right? DDM ain't bad either. Some of the other guys are a little cranky, I guess. But we're like a little family, y'know? Except with, uh, none of the weird... bein' family shit."
“You don't have any regrets?"
“Sure I do. I regret not dyin' sooner.” 」

- #04 in an interview with The Daily Void.

ANIMAL : Irish Wolfhound (Canis Familiaris)
STRENGTHS : Highly Skilled / Impartial / Enthusiastic
WEAKNESSES : Easily Distracted
NOTES : #04 has considerable reality bending abilities and thus can be difficult to accurately track. However, it should be noted that #04 inevitably will assume that prevents his "face"* from being revealed.
While #04 is presumed loyal to DDM Inc., #04 appears to have no real issue with changing allegiances, particularly if he becomes "bored". It is therefore recommended to keep #04 assigned to a job at all times.
Due to the potentially negative cognitive impacts of interacting with #04, staff are recommended to use a neutral median (ideally an ACE) instead of directly consulting with #04.

*#04's true appearance is still unknown.

#04, who identifies him(/it)self as "Dullahan" or "Dully", has been employed at DDM Inc. for an unknown period of time, believed to be at least several decades.#04 shows a remarkable level of dedication to The Cause, often taking on extra missions or covering for other Contractors during their downtime.#04 has recieved "Employee of the Month" for (at least) eighteen [18] consecutive years.

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me


Earth-121789, adjacent to base reality.
Year of Contract : [Not Recorded]
Dominant species : Human (99.99% Match to Base Reality)

#04 is a notably unreliable narrator, and thus records regarding his original life are frequently unverifiable.It is currently believed that #04 was an executioner (also known as a "headsman") for an extended period of time in a region not dissimilar to Base Reality Medieval France. #04's fluency in languages native to that time period and geographic location appears to lend credence to this theory, as does his preference for bladed, axe-like weapons.


by positvt !! <3

CONTRACTOR #05 - - - Johan Jakobsen

"Yes, we're v-very happy with our current r-results. As well as c-can be expected with our funding...haha."
One last question. Regarding the last security breach, is it true that the subject that escaped was originally non-anomalous prior to your testing?
"I-I don' know what you're talking about. I never...du kan ikke bevise, at jeg gjorde noget...c-concluding t-this interview..." 」

- interview between security personnel and #05

ANIMAL : Domesticated Rat (Rattus norvegicus domestica)
STRENGTHS : Intelligent / Well-Educated / Obedient / Loyal to DDM Inc.
WEAKNESSES : Weak Mental Strength / Difficulty Maintaining Personal Relationships / Easily Manipulatable
NOTES : #05 rarely leaves DDM Inc. HQ. Due to severe anxiety, #05 has difficulty working with other personnel. #05 should be relegated to in-house duties where possible, up to and including containment and testing of anomalous artefacts and entities.

#05, also known as "Dr. Jakobsen", is the lead researcher of DDM Inc.'s Supernatural Objects and Entities branch (SOE), and specializes in researching the causes behind the formation of reality tears.
#05 is generally unpopular amongst his fellow DDM Inc. employees, possibly due to his "weak" nature.


Earth-82, adjacent to base reality.
Year of Contract : 2002.
Dominant species : Human (99.91% Match to Base Reality)

#05, born Johan Jakobsen, was born in Aarhus, Denmark. He was quickly recognized as a child prodigy, with a tested IQ of 208. Johan had an unhappy home life as a child, with both parents being neglectful and enduring constant bullying by his peers due to his timid nature.As a young adult, Johan became fascinated by animals and studied to become a wildlife biologist. Despite his interest in the field, Johan was reportedly afraid of most animals, particularly rodents.At age 28, Johan fell from a 6 story apartment building. Johan was offered a contract at the moment of his death due to fulfilling the requirements for eligibility.


CONTRACTOR #06 - - - Fenrir

Do you find that your lack of vision at all impedes your ability to perform your duties?
...Do you want to elaborate on that?
"..." 」

- #06 at regular medical check up

ANIMAL : Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula)
STRENGTHS : Proficient in CQC / Stealth / Extremely determined / Follows Orders
WEAKNESSES : Antisocial Behavior / Addictive Tendencies / Questionable Loyalty
NOTES : #06 is known to engage in reckless behavior, often putting itself and other employees at risk. #06 should not be allowed to engage with civilians. #06 needs constant monitoring due to history of substance abuse.

#06 has been an operative at DDM Inc. for 12 years. During that time, #06 has accumulated 136 personal complaints, 29 reprimands for unprofessional behavior, and 18 separate assault charges.


Earth-9898, adjacent to base reality.
Year of Contract : 2210
Dominant species : Human (99.68% Match to Base Reality)

#06 was born as the result of a secret government program intended to create superhuman soldiers to partake in a war against a hostile alien species after Earth was invaded in 2206.#06 was trained as a killer since birth. He has little to no experience with conventional life, existing only to follow orders and destroy targets. He lived and trained in a dystopian megacity known as "The Edge".#06's original death occurred after, as a final resort, the US government elected to bomb its major cities rather than let them fall under alien control. #06 was tasked with manually setting off the detonation and was killed in the immediate blast.



The premise of a Contract is extremely simple : In exchange for their soul and an eternity of service to The Cause, any eligible mortal can have one (1) wish granted.
Contracts are only proposed to eligible candidates who are at the point of death
[ known thereafter as the Contractor's "Original Death" ]

Upon completion of the contract, a Contractor will become functionally immortal and gain a number of supernatural powers and abilities.

Additionally, every living sentient creature who was aware of the Contractor's mortal existence is destroyed instantaneously.
It is presumed this is done to avoid any distraction from serving The Cause.
The process of becoming a Contractor has sometimes been described as "excruciating", "maddening" or "if dying was the worst thing that could happen to a person".


Though there is some debate about the specific "rules" of eligibility, the following guidelines for the conditions a person must meet to become a potential Contractor have been established.

  • Physically fit

  • Over 18

  • Willingness to kill for reasons other than self defense

  • Natural ARC Level of 1.2 or higher

  • No living blood relatives

  • Extreme hatred towards an entity, organisation or concept

  • No genuine religious beliefs


Abilities vary for each Contractor, however each Contractor has the following abilties:

  • Immortal*

  • Can shapeshift into a specific animal.

  • Dimensional shifting

Contractors can still engage in mortal habits [eating/drinking/sleeping/etc] if they so choose, but they do not have to in order to survive.
If a Contractor avoids a certain mortal need for a long enough period of time they will stop experiencing that need. For example, if a Contractor doesn't eat they will cease experiencing hunger, potentially permanently.
Due to the negative affects on psyche, it is therefore not recommended for Contractors to entirely forego mortal habits.
Though Contractors can still "sleep", they do not dream.Contractors who use their abilities for reasons other than in service to "The Cause" experience physical pain as a form of punishment.For example, a Contractor using their abilities to save a mortal's life could cause them to suffer intense migraines or randomly break a bone.


Though contractors are considered "immortal" it should be noted that this refers to functional immortality.
Contractors cannot age or die and they do not need to breathe or sustain themselves as mortals do, but they can be injured.
Contractors have enhanced healing capabilities that are conditionally (and holistically) activated.
The general rule of thumb is that regeneration only kicks in when the injury is considered severe enough to impediment a Contractor's ability to serve The Cause. Consider the following examples as a guide:

Immediate RegenerationNatural Healing
BeheadingMinor Cuts
Multiple Compound FracturesBruises
Loss of a LimbBroken Fingers/Toes
Removal of Major Organ*Minor Infection

*It is unknown why this would trigger regeneration as technically speaking, a Contractor doesn't need any of their organs to survive.



Assistant Contractor Elite Specialists, ACEs (plural) or ACE (singular), are mortals who have formed soul contracts with Contractors, pledging service in exchange for demi-immortality, enhanced senses and increased physical ability.ACEs are loyal and experience desire and affection towards their Contractor regardless of their personal beliefs or feelings as a consequence of their soul bond. This experience is one-way.Within the context of their employment with DDM Inc., ACEs are most often used in small squads for minor jobs which don't necessarily require contractor intervention (i.e "MODERATE" or lower).An ACE must obey a direct order from their contractor or their body will begin to degrade.

  • ACES can be any sex, species or age.

  • There is no limit to how many ACES a contractor can have.

  • ACES belonging to different contractors may work together occasionally.

  • Rivalry between ACES is not uncommon.

  • ACES can enter "heat", an intense period of arousal, if away from their Contractor for too long

  • ACES typically refer to their contractors with titles such as "Commander", "Master" or "Captain".

TERM                       DEFINITION
Demi-immortalityMortal but with extermely enhanced regenerative powers and slowed aging; can still be killed by conventional means.
Enhanced SensesEnhanced sense of smell and hearing, night vision, physical sensitivity. Interestingly, many ACES report having little to no sense of taste.
Physical AblityACES are much stronger than the average human and have increased stamina. ACES can go longer without nourishment or rest.
Soul BondA contractor owns the souls of their ACES.


a good boy

high strung / loyal / tall / needy


AGE : Appears late twenties
STRENGTHS : Enhanced sense of smell / Loyalty / Perceptive
WEAKNESSES : Flighty / Uncoordinated / Colorblind
BACKGROUND : Originally from an Earth-adjacent dimension where animals were sapient and capable of human speech, Corrin (then known as "Snowy") was a Borzoi owned by an elderly wealthy bachelor in that universe's equivalent of Liechtenstein.
Snowy had a very spoiled life until accidentally stumbling upon a reality tear on his owner's property. He unknowingly interacted with an anomalous object which abruptly transformed him into a human. Distressed and disoriented, Corrin clung to the first person he saw - which happened to be Contractor #07.Corrin was then taken in to DDM HQ to be studied and observed in case he displayed any other anomalous properties. #07 often visited him and when Corrin was scheduled to be released back to his home dimension, he instead requested to stay with #07 and become their ACE.

  • Still adjusting to having a human body

  • Speaks German, English and French

  • Is colorblind and cannot read


an unknown entity

alien / brutal / efficient / curious


AGE : ???
STRENGTHS : Efficient / Loyal to #07 / ???
WEAKNESSES : Unpredictable / Unknown quantity / Connections to SERAPHIM
BACKGROUND : Little is known about Catharsis’ past due to obvious difficulties with communication.
It is believed that he came from a universe mostly populated by non-humans. Catharsis appears to be intrigued by modern technology, suggesting that he lacks experience with electricity-based equipment. Catharsis worked for SERAPHIM as a Seraph before meeting #07 during a raid on DDM HQ. Rather than attacking Contractor #07, he apparently became fixated and “imprinted” upon them. For almost a year Catharsis has simply followed #07 around, evading capture due to his ability to shift into an intangible form.

  • Able to shift into a shadow-like form

  • Apparently lacks need for sustenance or sleep

  • Has little interest in DDM activities outside of #07


former mercenary, current troublemaker

playful / confident / optimistic / energetic


AGE : 212
STRENGTHS : Literally very strong / Loyal / High mission success rate
WEAKNESSES : Unique diet / Aggression issues / Temperature sensitive
BACKGROUND : Born in 2251, Aria was the daughter of an Atresciun ambassador and a human bodyguard.
She enjoyed a life of privilege on her desert-like home planet of Atreiea, but as an adult she grew bored of the monotony of daily life. Aria ran away to join the military, but found the restrictions and order too stifling, so she joined a mercenary company instead.
At one point, Aria accidentally stumbled upon a reality tear while drunk and managed to subdue the creatures emerging from it (believing they were just "playing"), which impressed the Contractor who came to clean up the tear so much that they brought her back to DDM Inc to become an ACE.

  • Generally well-liked by fellow ACEs

  • Diet is composed of raw minerals

  • Has seriously injured several personnel while "play fighting"

ACE - - - Orion Kovač

a faithful soldier losing his faith

proud / charismatic / self-serving / harsh


AGE : 32 (Thirty-Two).
STRENGTHS : Combat Effective / Natural Leader / Experienced
WEAKNESSES : Questionable Loyalty / Stubborn / Sentimental About Mortal Life
BACKGROUND : Orion was born in a small town Serbia in an Earth-adjacent dimension, albeit in an alternate reality where thaumaturgy was a major part of society, with many major political positions being held by "saints" who could work miracles. Additionally, the most common belief system worldwide was the Ancient Greek religion focused around the Greek pantheon. Orion grew up deeply religious, originally desiring to be a priest of Apollo, though as he lacked any natural talent for thaumaturgy he ultimately failed in this goal, causing Orion to become bitter towards religious authorities though he remained personally devout.
Whilst working on his family's farm one day, Orion was inadvertently exposed to a reality tear being sealed by a Contractor. Perceiving them as a minor god of some kind, Orion begged for the Contractor to take him with them so that he might escape his tedious mortal life, which they agreed to do, making Orion their ACE.

  • Works as #07's personal bodyguard.

  • Has expressed sympathetic views towards SERAPHIM.

  • Religious

ACE - - - Elias Carter

a disciplined soldier and loyal guard dog

stoic / commanding / serious / dedicated


AGE : 28 (Twenty-Eight).
STRENGTHS : Disciplined / Loyal / Combat Effective / Low-risk of Corruption
WEAKNESSES : Obsessive / Attachment Issues
BACKGROUND : Elias grew up a single child in the Southern united states in a Base Earth-adjacent dimension. Frequently bullied as a child and teenager, Elias was neglected by his mother who found his lack of emotional response was off-putting.
He joined the army at 18, seeking stability after a difficult childhood. In the military, Elias thrived and dedicated himself solely to bettering himself.
At one point he encountered [REDACTED], a Contractor working for DDM Iinc., and formed a relationship with them. Elias was severely injured during an incident with an unstable reality tear and was close to dying when [REDACTED] offered to make him an ACE, thus saving his life.

  • Leads [REDACTED]'s personal forces, including their security team and other ACES.

  • Prefers to use semi-automatic weapons.

  • Will not tolerate disrespect towards [REDACTED]




SERAPHIM is an organization dedicated to a sole goal : the destabilization and destruction of all known reality.Its motivations for this goal are unknown.SERAPHIM employs all manner of creatures ranging from human to supernatural, known as SERAPHS. Notably, SERAPHIM often recruits ex-DDM employees.Rather than a central base, SERAPHIM utilizes various dimensional pockets known as Safe Havens to congregate. These take many forms, and, similar to DDM Inc HQ, are accessed via specific rooms in the Dead Dog Motel.SERAPHIM's true leadership is unknown, with many claiming some degree of authority over its legions of soldiers. However, there are four KINGS who command SERAPHIM's various operatives :




formerly CONTRACTOR #01

MOTIVATIONS : Freedom from immortality
DESCRIPTION : Who or what Raphael was as a mortal is not known. At some point upon his death he was offered a contract by The Council and promised immortality and the granting of one wish. He then became the first Contractor, taking on the designation #01.
For centuries Raphael alone maintained the fabric of reality on The Council's behalf, but after discovering that he too could create contracts with mortals (creating soulbound "ACEs"), Raphael would go on to found an organization that would employ countless beings in service of The Cause; this organisation later became known as "The Company" or "Direct Dimensional Management Inc.".

Additionally, The Council began to create more Contractors, and Raphael soon found himself leading a small group of the powerful immortals.
Over time Raphael became increasingly close to a specific Contractor - then known as #08. As their relationship deepened, Raphael became increasingly frustrated with The Council's control over his actions and the lives of his fellow Contractors, as well as the fact he was condemned to a life of immortal service.

This conflict came to a head when Raphael, through unknown means, managed to "kill"/destroy half of The Council in an event known as the "Broken Altar" incident, which left DDM Inc HQ in ruins and started rapidly increasing the number of tears throughout the multiverse.

Free from his contract, more powerful than ever but still cursed with immortality, Raphael was banished into the depths of voidspace by the remains of The Council, who also wiped all memory of him from the minds of the remaining Contractors and DDM employees.

Raphael would later emerge at the head of SERAPHIM, a new organisation with the sole goal of destroying the multiverse. Additionally, he enlisted three powerful allies - Prism, Chaos and Chorus - to act as "Kings" or leaders at his side.




unknown species, believed to be primarily composed of hyperlight

DESCRIPTION : Prism spends most of his time in a private pocket dimension he calls "Utopia". He is able to manipulate the structure and contents of this dimension at whim.
Prism frequently captures and imprisons mortals from other dimensions to populate Utopia.
Prism's "head" is a large, white 2d triangle that floats just above his neck. This triangle sometimes changes into other shapes or colors depending on Prism's mood. It is not currently known how he is able to "see" or experience other senses.
Prism is an extradimensional being composed of hyperlight and can alter his body and surrounding reality at will.
Prism has no qualms with killing or playfully torturing mortals but is not sexually sadistic.

by callie




demonic origin / warlord

Chaos comes from a hell-like dimension and was a warlord until a reality tear sucked him out of his home dimension and dumped him into an Earth-like reality. Chaos immediately found that he enjoyed causing chaos and mayhem in this dimension, slaughtering humans with glee.
He was ultimately captured by DDM Inc. agents, although he managed to kill several ACEs prior to being restrained. In containment, Chaos was experimented on and interrogated over several decades, causing him extreme agony.Ultimately, he was forced into a void-like pocket dimension by The Council in the hopes of sealing him away for good. Inside this dimension, with nothing but darkness around him, Chaos became even more full of hate and rage towards DDM Inc and all associated with it.He was ultimately freed by Raphael, the leader of SERAPHIM, who asked Chaos to join him in his goal of destroying reality and DDM Inc. Chaos gladly agreed, and has been one of SERAPHIM's four "kings" ever since.Chaos has absolutely no regard to human life and enjoys killing and torturing his victims.
Chaos dislikes the other kings, particularly Prism [who he considers "a complete weirdo"], but grudgingly respects Raphael.



corrupted by an anomaly

Chorus was born “Christian Attersfield” in Tennessee on Base Reality Earth in 1995, to human parents whose names Chorus no longer remembers. Chorus’ family was relatively poor. Chorus has suffered from schizophrenia and clinical depression since childhood. Chorus was bullied in middleschool and starting skipping school in their early teens, spending most of their time on Internet forums.
At 15, Chorus unknowingly interacted with a powerful digital anomaly which manifested as a website only they could access, titled “”, albeit with disastrous consequences. Chorus discovered that if they wished for something using the website, it would become real.By the time DDM Inc discovered the anomaly several years later [due to limited knowledge of internet-based phenomena], the anomaly had fully integrated itself with Chorus, giving them the power to make his thoughts manifest in reality, although as Chorus had no control over this ability this had disastrous effect, resulting in the loss of his entire hometown and thousands of lives.Chorus became increasingly unstable, completely losing their sense of self. At this point they were discovered by Raphael, who took Chorus under his wing and manipulated them into working for SERAPHIM.

ABOUT A.O.CThe Department of Anomalous Objects and Creatures [lead by #02] is dedicated to the containment of creatures, objects and other tangible anomalies that occur as a natural result of reality tears.Containment is necessary when returning an object, creature or person to their home reality is not possible.This is to prevent the anomaly from falling into hostile hands [ie SERAPHIM] or from causing more damage in the universe they have ended up in.Anomalies are categorized into 3 levels : SAFE, MODERATE and DANGEROUS.





Anomaly upon containment.


class: spectral | rating: safe

ORIGINAL DIMENSION : UW-12NE [non-euclidean ]
NOTABLE FEATURES : Technically formless. Appears to be composed of void matter-like material. Texture described as "silky". Has multiple eyes, but appears to primarily "see" through large ocular lens on its "head".
RECCOMMENDED APPROACH : Establish communication and discern level of intelligence. Transport back to home dimension if able. Eliminate if entity becomes aggressive.
NOTES : Entity produces no sound, but can "hear". Appears to be fascinated by speech and other forms of noise. May be useful to test with sound-related anomalies.


This is a list of universes ["realities", "worlds", etc] currently known by DDM Inc.These universes have experienced at least one known reality tear, resulting in DDM Inc.'s interference in order to fix the tear and stabilize reality.




A version of the Dead Dog Motel exists in every connected reality, which is to say a dimension which has been inducted into The Web via reality tear or, rarely, intentional dimensional exploration.While the vast majority of Motel properties are under the direct control of DDM Inc., some locations are under new and exciting management!The Dead Dog Motel got its name from the large sign depicting an (alive) wolf or dog-like creature with some kind fatal injury [beheaded, shot, stabbed, etc.] that sits above the entrance to reception [or reception-like space] of every Motel.
When a contractor approaches a Motel, the dog on the sign will appear to have been killed in the same manner of the contractor's Original Death. It is unknown why this occurs.
Visitors to the Motel are recommended to check in and head to their room as soon as possible, as the temporal and interdimensional properties of the Motel can have a harmful impact on sanity, ARC levels, general perception of self, and life.

NOTICE 06/10

The pool is currently CLOSED due to unforeseen circumstances and/or inclement weather. Please do NOT enter the water for your health and safety. If you see anyone in the pool, please alert the closest DDM Inc. operative or reception. Thank you and enjoy your stay!